To The Girl, Who Reads A Lot!

Let’s talk about a girl who loves books more than taking selfies or put on make-up. She is the one who will spend all her money on buying books; because she loves them like anything. She is the one who shows you her favorite “books to be read” list for a particular year.


You should be with her because she will always tell you about the books she has read or the ones she’s been craving to read. She would be the one who will always consider you as different characters of her favorite book. Find a girl who dies for books.

I remember I had met the same girl a year ago on the same day. I was not much of a reader by then. I was a good writer. She was both; a good writer and a great reader. I started knowing her more. She was deep. So deep. Just like a classic book. You don’t understand it in one go. Right? You need to read and read and re-read the same sentence time and again, and all the time it will give different meanings. You gaze on the wall to imagine how it must have been felt. You live those moments within you. She is one of them. Complicated though interesting. Crazy yet fascinating. Provocative yet addictive.


She is the one who always carries a diary and an unread book in her handbag. She is the one who talks about books in the name of shopping. In fact, she is the one who will always suggest you a good book. She will never compromise when it comes to reading. She’d be the one who will always look at the bookshelf as if someone has gifted her a diamond set. Probably books would be her first love. It’s a deep treasure she’s drowning into. She will drag you into the world of words.

She is the one who will always smell the fragrance of old unbleached books. The texture of a book will paint a wide smile on her face. She is the one who goes to the book market and buys a dozen of secondhand classic books. And she would keep on telling you about them. You can see the happiness on her face as if the flower is flaunting its beauty along with the first waterdrop of the rain.


She’s the crazy girl who’d go to Mc’Donalds along with her books. She’d have her drink, burger, diary, and a book on the table. She’d click pictures with her books. She’d highlight her favorite parts of the book. She’d even pen down the favorite quotes in her diary. She is the crazy girl you will always see.

She’d be the one who would not sleep at nights because of the visions she gets in her dreams. She would be the one who will make her own world in her mind. She would be lost for hours and when she comes, you will find her crying, because the characters of the book died she fell in love with minutes ago. She would need your condolence now. You just need to grab her in your arms and hug her. Give her a tight hug. That is all she needs. You need to take her out from the world of that book to another. Just divert her mind to another book now. She would be jumping with joy, once she starts reading another book she would tell you about it again. And you can see the happiness in her eyes while listening to her crazy talks.

Make sure you confess the taste in books to her. She will help you to read good books. At times, she will send you her favorite book at your address and that day you would feel on top of the world.


Don’t judge her when she describes any writer’s perspective. Just try to understand a perspective of a particular book. She would be happy to read a book with her. It will increase your love. She would fall in love for you the same way she loves the book.

You will never need to think about a fancy gift on her birthday, just give her books. Give her the gift of words, give her, Hosseini, Rand, Rushdie, King. Let her know that you care about her passion.

If you ever find a girl who reads a lot, keeps her close to you. Always fall in love with the girl who understands the meaning of written words, she will always understand the unsaid meaning they have behind them. Never ever make fun of her passion, nor take her for granted. If you want the world and the worlds beyond it, date a girl who reads.


So it’s been a great journey of one complete year where we supported each other with our passion. You taught me a wonderful thing in life which I would never forget. Thanks for showing me the world which can’t be seen by everyone. Happy first anniversary to us. I’d like to grow more and more with you like this.

Thanks for always being a backbone of mine, when I needed you the most,
To the girl, who reads a lot. . .

(This post is inspired by Rosemarie Urquico. 🙂 )

Copyright© 2015-2018 by SumitOfficial

All Rights Reserved.

180 thoughts on “To The Girl, Who Reads A Lot!”

  1. Wow Sumit! This is beautiful. Lovely. Pure. 👏
    It clearly describes all the bibliphiles. Those who consider books their lives. Their world. This post is apt for every book lover.
    Just loved the post. ❤️❤️👏👏

    And God bless you people and your friendship. 😇❤️

    Books are love! 😊😇❤️😍

    Liked by 7 people

  2. Aha,when you know you are exactly same like the person the writer is talking about.👍😇. I can’t tell you how many times I have cried while reading. I don’t need hug though coz I don’t want anyone to know that I cry.😑I m the bravest and the happiest person alive!😁👍 Really great!I don’t know that girl but after reading felt like I knew her from forever… Date a girl who reads??For your kind information bhai most girls who read a lot arent easy to get.😯Let’s not talk about this sensitive issue😯😛😯.
    Could write a book on why I love reading though let your imagination do the work.😎😂I prefer dating a writer😳or a singer or maybe a cricketer or maybe a guy who has a winged horse and a heart like me, which is rare.😳😯😯😯😯Why do I speak so much😡😯😯😯!!!!Cricket se yaad aaya, you watch IPL? which is your fav team?
    I wish everyone would have a reading habit atleast the standard of thinking would be better eventually a better society! Though I m so happy to read this, well written! In conclusion everybody on this earth must read, ultimately reading makes world a better place!

    Liked by 5 people

      1. Hahaha!
        What a fact it is all my friends say this thing, hahaa!Though I know I m a type of person you’ll never find anywhere, I m once in lifetime type piece, diamond doesn’t sing it’s worth though I agree I can be like everybody and like nobody.
        In all I m me.
        I m sorry for this reply if you felt it was extend, you know what I think you can relate you said I m like you😅

        Liked by 2 people

      1. Why did you interrupt?I am calmed, what was the reason behind your comment, anyway if you found anything wrong do correct and if it was just like that atleast lets not fight in virtual world…. Peace👍

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I didn’t interrupt. I just replied to your comment. And in blogging word, it’s called interaction not interruption.
        Reason- I already signified in my little comment.
        Fight-not my thing, at least not here. 😊

        Peace! Happy reading!

        Liked by 4 people

  3. This a beautiful dedication to all those bibliophiles out there. And I so agree with you on the smell of books point. Because I swoon over the smell of old books. 😁

    Liked by 3 people

  4. This the bestest thing u did…
    To dedicate an awsum piece to all those pretty souls❤and day after another you come up with a new things which suprised me alot, though i loved each n every word u wrote but how how how you do these things which so much ease and especially how u surprised everyone everyday🙈
    Yes i wait for ur writeups coz i love to read them coz these were amazing yar, how could i miss those pretty words to read…
    And seriously you are an amazing soul having so much talent❤loveyou❤

    Liked by 5 people

  5. Wowww this is wonderful!! Never read something which actually pretty much describes those rare girls who love reading so much!! I resonate with this to every word. Except I don’t cry and need a hug to be pulled out. And you could have added another point though you sum up everything amazingly- i.e ‘When she can sit and be lost in her world and not move from that spot for hours on end and can spend all her days like these’. Simply superb

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks a lot, Akshata.
      I am reading these comments after a year now and you won’t believe how grateful I’m feeling to read so beautiful comments. Thanks a lot for your kind words. ❤❤❤❤

      Liked by 1 person

  6. It felt as if every syllable,every word and every sentence was describing me…I would always prefer my books to everything in the world altogether(the kinda gal who clicks pics of her books and highlight the important parts and usually carry unread book and a diary in her handbag✌🏻)…They are my little world..My solace..My escape..
    Awesome post dude..💚
    Stay blessed💛

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Wow, Anji. Thanks for sharing your story with us here. It is so good to surround yourself around people who reads a lot. And you are one of them. 🙂

      Thank you for sharing your lovely view Anji. Stay blessed you too. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  7. This was so relatable. I love the smell of books. My books are one of my most treasured possessions. An ideal b’day gift for me would be a book (or books. The more, the better!) I’m a self-confessed bibliophile. And this post gave an apt description! Great post, Sumit! 😊

    Liked by 5 people

  8. If you are reading with your soul you may not like to come back to this world.Books can play magic in your life… You are lucky that you got a friend who reads a lot…Read together brings happiness in life…

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Indeed! Having a companion who reads a lot. And I’d say this is that we don’t find much interest in people who disrespect reading. I personally cannot connect with them.

      Thanks a lots for reading. 🙂


  9. Good one Sumit…nicely written. You have too many friends in your life and you celebrate all of them! I enjoy reading your posts because it gives me an insight into the minds of our new generation. You guys are far more chilled out than we were ever.

    Liked by 5 people

  10. Ah but I just read on and thought…it’s all so very true! I personally think people who are avid readers are general fascinating to talk to (even if they are shy initially 🙂 as it’s in their nature to be curious and openminded types and I would say generally speaking have a zest for life and adventure! Great post! 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  11. Wowwwwwwwww it’s genuinely beautiful 😍 seriously this is first blog to me which I really love most….it’s stunning blog more than a shining star…there is respect of girl who love books more than those girl who love diamonds and all..this thought Makes me more positive dear
    Salute your thoughts…

    Liked by 4 people

  12. Wow! This is little bit of me 😉 But I have to read more, I haven’t read many till now. Hope someday I become a girl like this ❤ As usual you have penned it in a unique and inspiring way. I think more girls will try to become like this after reading this

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Indeed I do 🙂 ! I have a serious confession, I ❤ McDonald's chicken nuggets! And, I'm a serious book nerd so McDonald's becomes my office at times, as does the YMCA because I can let my kid play at McDonald's and the same at the YMCA. Whatever you gotta to do get some reading and eating done….oh and or work. 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

  13. This is a fabulous post. I just love it. My husband is an avid reader. We do not read the same sorts of books at all but we still insist on talking about the books we are reading. After more than 30 years we are still reading our books and still talking about them. Best wishes to you and your girl that reads.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. That’s amazing Anne. I’d love to become like you couple once I’m married. It’s great to have a similar interest with different genre. It’s nice that you shared your story, thank you so much. May God bless you both. 🤗😇☺

      Liked by 1 person

  14. This is beautiful and it reminded me of the poem ‘Girl Who Reads’ by Mark Gris, linked here:

    So glad you have found a companion in a book worm. A fun life surely awaits you 😀

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Wait till you begin appearing in her writings soon! It’s immensely hard for writers to keep their personal lives away from their works, specially when it comes to matters of heart ❤

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Saania.
      I’m so happy to know that you liked my my pattern of writing. 🙂

      Also, the concept of this blog is inspired by a real time girl who made me amaze with her reading skills. ❤😃

      Liked by 1 person

    Par ce message positif et amical je te souhaite une bonne semaine mon ami(e). Quoi que tu vives, quoi que tu fasses, dans chaque moment il se cache une raison d’être heureux ? MERCI DE TON PASSAGE pour te dire un léger mieux dans ma maladie de LIME Bisous à plu tard


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